Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 21 of 365: Insurgent Review

At my school the teachers are given a Joliet Reads book every month. Last year Divergent was one of the books. I read a few chapters and instantly loved it! I was so excited to get my hands on Insurgent. Well long story short, life happened and I never got around to reading it. During winter break I started reading a few chapters before bed each night and I finally finished it. Those that are looking to read this book must read Divergent first. I had to go back a few times to check on characters that I forgot about.

There are a lot of plot twists and the book definitely keeps you on your toes. There was a point in the book, around the middle I believe, that I literally couldn't put the book down. I try to go to bed by 10:30 every night and I was up till after midnight because I had to see what happened next. Luckily baby G chose that night to sleep through the night! If you are a Hunger Games fan and are looking for the next series, I definitely recommend this book. Bonus: it is set in Chicago which is pretty cool. They mention Wacker Dr. and Madison St. a few times. I loved the ending of Insurgent and am looking forward to reading Allegiant (the third book in the series). I have heard terrible things about it, which is upsetting but I need to know what happens. I saw the trailer for the movie, Divergent, and I'm not super happy with their choice of actors, especially for Tris, the main character. But after reading Insurgent, I am excited to see the movie and to see how Insurgent will be on the big screen.

***21 Day Organizational Challenge Update***

Day 21: Check over all areas

Areas have been checked over and other than reorganizing the medicine cabinet and moving some things around in my closet, things look pretty good! I liked this challenge but there were some days that really needed a whole week or weekend to complete. I also wish there were tips on the pin that made organizing some of the areas easier.

Well, talk to you tomorrow.

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