Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6 of 365:

So I am using my "cold" day off school to complete some pins for this week. Getting back into school mode, I found a poster that would be great with the new Common Core standards. It is a "Rate Yourself" poster using a number scale from 1-4. I like this scale because I have asked my students to rate their understanding of a topic on their homework, exit card, class work, etc. However, my students always ask for clarification on what the numbers mean. So this poster has it spelled out for them and is in student friendly language.

My goal was to have this made and hung up in the classroom to show you where I put it and then show an example of student work with a rating. We had a "cold" day today and we have another one tomorrow. I will just have to update you all on how it is working in my classroom. I got the original idea from:

***21 Day Organization Challenge Update***

Day 6: Under sink

For today's organization challenge I really just needed to shift around some cleaning supplies and get rid of some bags I was saving that I havne't used since I put them there. Some of the cleaning supplies were for things that we only have on the second level, so I moved those out. I also had baskets that I organized by function: one basket for dishwashing supplies and one for other cleaning supplies. I put my vases in the back so they are out of the way (I don't use them very much) and I arranged my extra dishwashing soap and hand soap off to the side.
After organizing
I think it turned out great and am very pleased with how functional the space is now. If only I could get the hubby to keep it that way. I already had a freak out over the coat rack :)

Well 6 down 15 to go...I am really not looking forward to some of these big areas to organize: garage, closet, kitchen cabinets!!

Talk to you tomorrow!

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