Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 24: 52 Week Money Challenge

Day 24 of 365: 52 Week Money Challenge

Since college I have had a goal to stay in all 50 states by the time I'm 30. Well I will be 30 at the end of this year and I still have 13 states. I have the entire Northwest left plus Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Arizona and New Mexico. The last state that we were saving for our 5 year anniversary is Alaska. When the hubby and I got married we planned on taking a cruise to Alaska when we made it to 5 years. Well here we are (a few months shy) planning for Alaska, but it is not our last state :( We like to visit new state during my breaks from work. So we are being proactive and saving for Christmas Break to visit Arizona!!

When we went to Hawk's doggy birthday party a couple weeks ago my brother's girlfriend showed me a pin she was trying. The 52 Week Money Challenge! I found this on my boards pinned over a year ago. I was inspired to try this challenge to save for our family vacation. I really like that its small amounts over the year and its a big amount of cash at the end! My brother's gf put it in a cute jar and printed the label so they can cross the amount each week. Here is my attempt at the pin:

Here's what you need:
-weekly dedication
-a place to put the money
-the check list (here is a link to a site that you can print the list from: Challenge list

I also think this would be great to put away in a savings account. If the money isn't there then you wont be tempted to take it out early and spend it. By the way, it's not to late to start now. All you have to put in is $21 and you could do that over the next week. Take the challenge with me, you'll be happy at the end of the year!!

Well talk to you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Mia and I are both doing this challenge! She's doing it with quarters, though. I better catch up.
