Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 15 of 365: Steam Clean Microwave

For today's pin I chose to steam clean my microwave. I see this pin all the time so I decided to give it a try. I wish the pictures were a little better cause it's hard to tell how clean it got. 
You need: 
1 cup hot water
1 cup vineger 
Microwave safe bowl 

Mix water and vineger in a microwave safe bowl and put in microwave for 10 minutes. Wipe out microwave afterward, which is the great part. The gunk literally wipes right off! I do have one burn mark that won't come off but other than that my microwave looks great. Good trick!



***21 Day Organizational Challenge Update***

Day 15: Dressers

When I was decluttering my house I went through and got rid of a bunch of stuff. Today I just reorganized my drawers: one for tank tops, two for tees, one for summer stuff (which should be in storage but I have no space), and 2 for pajama bottoms and yoga pants. I also cleaned off the top and put all the clothes that were stacked there away. No pics of this one :( but I am happy with the results! Nothing like a clean dresser. 6 more days of organizing!!

Talk to you tomorrow!

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