Wednesday, January 1, 2014

DAY 1 of 365


This is my first ever post on my first blog! Those that know me would tell you I am addicted to all things Pinterest.  This is probably because most of our conversations start with, "I got the recipe from Pinterst!" or "Did you see that <fill in the blank> on Pinterest? It's on my to-do list!" I saw that I have pinned over 3,300 items and decided it is a great time to actually try these pins. Soooo, I am attempting to complete a pin a day for an entire year. At the end of the year I will have completed only 10% of my pins but hey, it's a start.

So here are my "Guidelines":
- a pin is a pin, no matter how big or small
- there cannot be two entries in a row with the same type of pin, ie recipe, organization tip, craft, etc.
- multiple day challenges count as one pin
- use pins that have an active link
That's what I have so far, I'm sure I'll add to it later.

The first pin of the year is a 21 Day Organization ChallengeThis challenge is from, which you can get to by clicking on the pin. There aren't tips on organizing each area, but the goal is to have an organized home in 21 days. I am taking this challenge with a friend from work in attempt to organize my life. That's a grand plan but we'll see how it goes.

The first day is the medicine cabinet. We have two in our house and I went through the upstairs cabinet a month ago, but was distracted halfway through (shocker). Like I mentioned before the blog that originally posted the challenge did not include tips, so I did some searching on the web and here is what I found:

1. Empty cabinet(s) into a bin and wipe them down.

2. Properly dispose of expired or damaged medicine/supplies

3. Only store things that are currently being used. For example: in the winter there is no need for bug spray and sunscreen. Store those things in a larger area, like a storage cabinent or closet.

Here are some tips from Real Simple:
4. There are many different organizational products for medicine cabinets and bathrooms. Oxo makes a toothbrush and toothpaste holder. Also using magnet for small metal objects like tweezers and scissors frees up shelf space.  

5. Adding a small shelf can create space to stack smaller items. Oxo makes a shelf designed for medicine cabinets.

Here are the before pics:
Downstairs Medicine Cabinet
Upstairs Medicine Cabinet


Here are the after pics:

Downstairs Medicine Cabinet

I removed quite a bit of expired medicine and vitamins. Instead of keeping a large bottle of tylenol that is less than half full, I put them in a 4 oz. mason jar and used a dissolvable label. I put the cleaning supplies together on the bottom and made room for the supplies I use in the morning before work. I am pleased with how this cabinet turned out.  

Upstairs Medicine Cabinet

Again, cleaned out expired medicine and prescriptions that were no longer being used.  I bought a medicine cabinet organizer from Bed, Bath and Beyond. I put medicine for baby G together in one place, the hubby's prescriptions together in another. I was able to free up space for some things I use frequently that were under the sink. I would call this successfully organized! 

Well that's all I have for today. Talk to you tomorrow with pin #2. Hopefully I will figure out how to spruce up the site; I'm still learning the ropes of a blog.  

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