Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 26 Monster Valentines

Day 26 of 365: Monster Valentines

This is an old pin creation but I thought it would be fun to mention. I was looking through Instagram and saw some valentines my friend made for her daughter's classmates. I was inspired. They were adorable and looked like something I could pull off, especially because Baby G only has 3 kids at his (at the time) babysitter. I wanted to make monster valentines and found some on Pinterest (of course). I thought about making this February 13th because I am last minute with EVERYTHING! Luckily I have a ridiculous amount of scrapbook supplies so I had everything we needed except googly eyes. I sent the hubby on a wild goose chase but he couldn't find them. I randomly found some in my craft box that I tore apart. BTW-did you know that looking for Dove chocolate hearts the day before Valentine's Day is a waste of time? Every store I sent the hubby too was completely sold out. Baby G's valentines got Nerd Ropes instead.

You need:
~Cardstock in your favorite colors (Baby G wanted green and orange)
~glue dots (or any double sided adhesive)
~googly eyes

First I cut an 8 1/2" by 11" paper into four for the background of the valentines. Then I drew monster shapes on the other paper. I actually found a monster template on Google images and traced it on my paper. To be honest, we just got Windows 8 and I cant figure out how to print.

Then I glued the monsters on the orange paper and glued on an eye. We did one per valentine and wrote "Valentine... I've got my eye on you!" but I also saw, "Valentine...I've got my eyes on you!" and the monsters had many eyes. I also drew a mouth and teeth or a tongue. I was going to attach a chocolate heart to their bellies but we couldn't find those, so the kids got Nerd Ropes.
Here's the final products. I think they turned out cute! I know Colette's son enjoyed it!! :)

Well that's all for today. Talk to you soon!

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